Month: July 2012

  • Being Iron Man is more than twice as expensive as being Batman has released two info-graphics, which calculate how much would it cost someone, if they wanted to be either Batman or Ironman. Being Batman costs 682 million $ whereas, being Ironman costs 1.6 billion $. And this is the very problem with superheroes. The one’s that you can be, are very rich, and that one’s that you can’t…

  • A map of the internet!

    A map of the internet!

    Some random dude named Ruslan Enikeev, took 350,000 websites on the internet, and arranged them in a vast map, organised by visits and location. One websites proximity to another also depends on where people normally go from a site. If more people go to Facebook, than Wikipedia, from Google, than, Facebook will be closer. The exact algorithm used…

  • Has Google crossed the line in promoting Google+?

    Has Google crossed the line in promoting Google+?

    Have you been seeing a lot of Google+ lately? I see it everywhere on the Internet, including places like GMail, Google Search and YouTube. And I think that Google has crossed the neutrality line. Google+ in Gmail You can also load hidden comments to the post – Meaning that there is AJAX involved. The comments also get…

  • Learn how to behave on the Internet, before you start living there

    Learn how to behave on the Internet, before you start living there

    I have been wanting to say this for a long long time. Ever since I have been on Facebook. One simple thing. Learn the rules of the Internet before you get on it. I finally decided to make my first account on a social networking website in 2010, on Facebook ( I never went to…

  • How does Solaris, India’s solar car team from DelTech, make eco friendly cars.

    How does Solaris, India’s solar car team from DelTech, make eco friendly cars.

    DelTech is known for its mechanical engineering. Cars, robots, unmanned flying things, you get the idea, cool stuff. We sat down with Rohit Gupta of Solaris, India’s only solar car team to have participated in more than one race. What does Solaris mean to you? Why did you choose this name? Solaris was the name…

  • CERN scientists have almost found the Higgs Boson

    CERN scientists have almost found the Higgs Boson

    First of all, I am not trolling you again. CERN had a conference today. A big conference. Peter Higgs, the dude after which the particle is named, and two other science dudes, who had independently suggested the existence of such a particle, were invited. And then, during a serious presentation, full with comic sans fonts,…

  • US and Japan lead the ‘Twitter Take Down’ Charts. India more passive.

    Taking a cue from Google, Twitter published their first transparency report today, which includes reports of government requests to release user information, gov. requests to withhold content, and DMCA takedown notices by copyright holders, segregated by country. Leading the pack is USA with 679 requests out of the total 849, in the first half of 2012. This is…